Thursday, July 16, 2015

Block MAC Addresses in TP-Link Router

Mac Filtering is a security access control where 48-bit address assign to each network card is used to determine access to network. Without MAC address filtering, any wireless client can join wifi network if they know SSID and Security parameter like encryption key.

MAC address filtering is also one of strong technique of securing your network. Since, MAC address are most often assigned by manufacturer of Network Interface Controller (NIC)
and stored on the Hardware.

Here is a step-by-step demonstration of How to Block/Unblock MAC Address in TP-Link Router.

Go to your router configuration page. For this, open your browser and in address bar type, A form is prompted asking username and password. Default username is 'admin' and password is also 'admin'. Type them and hit enter, you will go to the TP-Link Configuration landing page.

Go to Interface Setup > Wireless.

Scroll down for the Wireless Mac Address Filter. Click on the Activated Radio button, select the option if you want to block the below listed Mac addressed devices or only allow the listed devices. Then, type the Mac address of the devices your want to filter. Then, save the configuration. You are done.
For the mac address of your computer/laptop, run the command prompt(press win+r, and type cmd and press enter).
Then, type ipconfig /all. Then, you will get your Mac address under Physical Address

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